Meet the team

The Team

Aarushi Khanna

Aarushi Khanna

Asia Pacific Regional Lead

Aarushi provides project and technical support to national partners and leads on regional influencing in Asia. She has over seven years’ experience in advancing gender equality, including with the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, ICRW and UNDP.

Twitter: @Aarushikhanna11

Works from India

Alison Holder

Alison Holder

Executive Director

Alison is responsible for the strategic direction and leadership of Equal Measures 2030. She has over 15 years’ experience in international development policy and advocacy, including with UNSDSN, ActionAid, Oxfam, Save the Children and Accenture.

Twitter: @alieholder 

Works from Canada

Albert Motivans

Albert Motivans

Head of Data & Insights

Albert leads on data strategy for Equal Measures 2030, ensuring our results and insights are accessible to all. He has more than 20 years’ experience, including with UNESCO Institute for Statistics, UNICEF Office of Research, and the US Census Bureau.

Twitter: @AlbertMotivans

Woks from the US

Alison Livingstone

Alison Livingstone

Finance & Operations Coordinator

Alison provides support on operations, finance and events for Equal Measures 2030. She has worked for the British Council as project manager on development programmes in the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Works from the UK

Amanda Austin

Amanda Austin

Head of Global Engagement

Amanda Austin leads the EM2030 coalition’s work to influence global actors and institutions, leveraging the SDG Gender Index and curating thought leadership across the partnership. She has worked with EM2030 since its founding and previously led advocacy and programme partnerships. Amanda has worked across the social justice, humanitarian and development sectors for more than 14 years, including with Oxfam, Save the Children, and Plan International.

Twitter: @AmandaRrae 

Works from the UK

Amanda Kobeissi

Amanda Kobeissi

HR Manager

Amanda is responsible for development of policies & procedures in EM2030 and managing all HR functions. She has solid experience in setting up HR departments similar to her experience in Plan International.

Works from Lebanon

Aminah Jasho

Aminah Jasho

Head of Strategic Communications

Aminah leads the implementation of the communication strategy in EM2030. With 15 years of experience, she combines her roles as a storyteller, gender activist, and communications expert to promote sustainable development and strategic communications. She is also the founder of the "Unmothering the Woman" digital story campaign.

Works from Kenya

Cecilia Garcia

Cecilia Garcia

LAC Regional Lead

Cecilia provides project and technical support to national coalition members and leads regional influencing in Latin America and the Caribbean. She has over 12 years’ experience in the development sector as a gender equality expert and advocate, including with Women in Global Health, the Torchlight Collective, the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City and The Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women’s Rights (CLADEM).

Twitter: @Cecigarciaruiz

Works from Mexico

Charlotte Minvielle

Charlotte Minvielle

Head of Business Development

Charlotte has worked as Head of Development for the Human Dignity Trust and as Senior Business Development Manager at WaterAid. She has over 12 years’ fundraising experience, including with War Child, Save the Children, Plan International and Mercy Corps.

Twitter: @Cha_Minvielle

Works from the UK

Coretta Jonah

Coretta Jonah

Senior Data Capacity Lead

Coretta is the data capacity development lead at Equal Measures 2030. She has over a decade of experience in research and capacity development for research within the higher education and international development sectors.

Twitter: @Nana_Kory

Works from South Africa

Donnelly Mwachi

Donnelly Mwachi

Evaluation, Learning & Impact Lead

Donnelly leads the Evaluation, Learning and Impact unit at Equal Measures 2030. He has over 18 years’ experience leading on advocacy and policy influencing Impact measurement with the Advocacy Accelerator, IDRC, Frontline AIDS, Save the Children and HelpAge International, in over 40 countries globally.

Works from Kenya

Esme Abbott

Esme Abbott

Communications Lead

Esme supports the development and implementation of Equal Measures 2030's communications and advocacy strategy. She has experience supporting youth-focused organisations, SDG-focused journalism, and leading on a project raising awareness about postcolonial issues.

Works from the UK

Gabrielle Leite

Gabrielle Leite

Gender Data & Insights Analyst

Gabrielle supports the Data & Insights Head and colleagues across the EM2030 Secretariat team and EM2030 regional partners to connect data and evidence with advocacy and action to advance gender equality. She has over 6 years of experience working with UN Women, including with the Women Count programme, mainly providing research and data analysis support for flagship publications and monitoring progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Works from Brazil

Hamid Mahamat

Hamid Mahamat

Web Development Lead

Hamid is the central point of contact regarding EM2030’s website, related digital platforms, and app development. He collaborates closely with colleagues across the EM2030 team to provide the best user experience on EM230's websites and apps. He has over 9 years of experience as a web developer & UX/UI Designer, in both business and development sectors, covering several countries of Central and West Africa.

Works from Senegal

Julisa Tambunan

Julisa Tambunan

Deputy Executive Director & Head of Partnerships and Learning

Julisa leads EM2030’s cross-region team in working and learning with partners to connect data and advocacy actions. She has a strong intersectional gender justice activism background and 15 years of experience in the humanitarian and development sector, including with Mercy Corps, UNICEF, and Malala Fund. She is also the co-founder of GirlSPARKS initiative.

Twitter: @nocturnelle

Works from the UK

Paula Becerra

Paula Becerra

Business Development Manager

Paula works with our business development team securing funders and donors. She has experience working alongside the communication departments of several international organizations including UN Women, WHO and ILO. She also actively supports cultural diversity in her local community.

Works from Spain

Sinéad Nolan

Sinéad Nolan

Partnership & Learning Project Manager

Sinéad works with our programme and partnerships team supporting partner organisations. She has over 7 years experience working to advance gender equality, including leading youth leadership and engagement at MenEngage Alliance.

Works from the UK

Tity Agbahey

Tity Agbahey

Africa Regional Lead

Tity provides project and technical support to national partners and leads on regional influencing in Africa. She has over ten years’ experience in human rights advocacy, gender equality and development including with Girls Not Brides, Amnesty International and the Coalition for human rights in development.

Twitter: @tityagb

Works from Togo