Data Gaps

In an ideal world, the 2022 SDG Gender Index would cover all the world’s countries. However, dozens of countries, especially small states and states affected by instability, lack data across enough indicators used in the index to be included. There are also many issues that are not captured by the index due to insufficient global data coverage.

Taken together, these critical data gaps can form parts of an advocacy agenda. These are data gaps that need to be filled and that can be filled if gender advocates speak with one voice in calling for more and better gender data.

Issue: Quality of roads and infrastructure

Issue: Male to female ratio in manufacturing industries

Issue: Proportion of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) owned by women

Issue: Discriminatory laws and policies

Issue: Perceptions of discrimination or harassment (by sex)

Issue: Safe and affordable housing (by sex)

Issue: Women’s access to and safety on public transportation

Issue: Number of deaths, missing persons and persons affected by disaster per 100,000 people (by sex)

Issue: Impact of slow-onset crises and migration (by sex)

Issue: Impact of climate-related changes in agricultural production (by sex)

Issue: Women’s inclusion in national decision making on climate policies

Issue: Investigation and sentencing of cases of sexual violence and gender-based violence (by sex)

Issue: Rates of sexual violence (by sex)

Issue: Women’s participation in police and security forces

Issue: Tax-paid and income-earned data broken down by sex and type of tax

Issue: Inclusion of gender provisions in trade agreements

Issue: Intra-household income and resource allocation

Issue: Access to social protection floors (by sex)

Issue: Women’s land tenure and legal documentation

Issue: Low birth weight

Issue: Food insecurity (disaggregated by sex)

Issue: Average income of small-scale food producers (by sex)

Issue: Inequality in essential health coverage

Issue: Mental health and suicide (girls and women)

Issue: Age at first pregnancy

Issue: Youth and adults with ICT skills (disaggregated by sex)

Issue: Comprehensive sexuality education in national curricula

Issue: Early childhood development (by sex)

Issue: Women’s household decision-making power

Issue: Women’s reproductive health and agency

Issue: Assessment of CEDAW implementation

Issue: Prevalence of violence against girls and women (especially IPV)

Issue: Inclusive local administration for WASH management

Issue: Menstrual hygiene management (MHM)

Issue: Women’s participation in energy policymaking roles

Issue: Time use (unpaid care and domestic work)

Issue: Gender pay gap

Issue: GBV in and around the workplace

Issue: Labour rights, including freedom of association and collective bargaining (by sex)

Issue: Parental leave policies