Our Impact Report 2024

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Pushing Forward against the headwinds

As every step forward for gender equality is being met with stronger headwinds, we at Equal Measures 2030 (EM2030) have been pulling together and pushing on with greater determination. And there is cause for hope: more than half of countries worldwide are moving in the right direction on gender equality.

By working together, we’ve designed a coalition model, a truly ‘global
to local’ collaboration in line with our feminist values, that will help us connect as data-driven advocates, spread the findings of our Index in our respective contexts, and unite our collective voice for gender equality in local, national, regional and global spaces. This model is already helping us to prepare for a high-impact and narrative-shifting launch of the next SDG Gender Index later in 2024.

Fast track or backtrack

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Progress on gender equality around the world is too slow and patchy, placing the entire 2030 Agenda at risk.

Our fight for the rights of women and girls is a fight for everyone’s future. Every aspect of sustainable development is interwoven with the advancement of gender equality. Nearly three-quarters (73 per cent) of the 169 targets in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been found to be directly or significantly reliant on gender equality. Yet, across the world we see a widespread failure by governments to act on gender equality as a strategic necessity for a truly equitable and sustainable future for all.

Our Impact Report – 2023

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Today, none of us lives in a country that has achieved the full promise of equality envisioned in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), nor are most countries on track to achieve those goals by 2030. As the 2022 Goalkeepers report points out, we’re halfway to this deadline, and progress on gender equality remains slow, even stalling. The EM2030 Index data shows that the world won’t reach gender equality until at least 2108— nearly a century later than we’d hoped.

The pandemic has shone a light on the gender fault lines that were hampering progress towards the SDGs long before COVID-19. We also know from our networks of partners that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated gender inequality and hit women and girls hard, affecting their education, bodily autonomy, safety, and their access to decent work. Our partners have also voiced concerns about wider trends made worse since the pandemic: lack of representation of women in leadership positions (including COVID-specific decisionmaking bodies) and rising anti-rights and conservative movements.

There is an ever greater need to speak up for the rights of women and girls and yet our partners also express how pandemic restrictions made it even harder to do their critical advocacy and campaigning work: loss of in-person events, workshops and influencing meetings, the need to overcome digital access gaps, further shrinking of space for civil society, and the challenge of advocating virtually.

These are the challenges we face. So, what is Equal Measures 2030 and our partner organizations doing about it? In our first-ever Impact Report, you will see how our work with feminist organizations and networks has been transforming lives through data-driven advocacy.

And, how our partners have engaged with policymakers at the national, regional and global levels to change laws, budgets and practices.

This is ‘factivism’: using credible and timely data to expose gender inequality and injustice, motivate change, and drive accountability.

To everyone involved in this unique collaboration, I say a heartfelt thank you. To everyone else, please join us. Together we can ensure that data gets used to drive positive change for women and girls around the world.