Global Rankings

1 min Ranking is a way to bring attention to gender equality broadly or for a specific issue by comparing Index scores of countries around the world.

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1 min

How can I use global rankings to support and leverage my advocacy messages?

Ranking enables and brings attention to gender equality more broadly, highlighting specific issues by comparing Index scores of countries around the world for each SDG. As rankings are easy to communicate and showcase a country’s position relative to others, they are often favored by media outlets.

Getting started

  • Select a region and sort by overall index or SDG goal, using the drop-down menus at the top of the screen (remove tick from boxes for Australia and Japan if you seek to rank other countries).
  • To see rankings for 2015 and 2020 select one country from the list and “both years” from drop down menus.
  • Hover cursor over a circle to see country, ranking and score for each goal.
  • To output your viz image, see instructions below in Sharing and saving your Index viz.

An illustration
The opening view shows the 2020 goal rankings for Australia and Japan, showing that the two are relatively closely ranked, except for goals where Japan has a much lower rank, e.g. SDG 5 on gender equality. Japan is ranked 35th in the world on the Index overall, but on this key gender goal its ranking drops to 78th place globally. It fares even worse on rankings: SDG 11 on inequality and SDG 13 on the climate. To understand why – select these goals and explore the measures in the Indicators and Scores viz

Sharing and saving your Index viz

There are three buttons at the bottom right corner of each visualization that allow users to share the infographic by email or social media and to download the visualization in three different formats. Click on the relevant icon to share or save your country data in any of the four Index visualizations.

To share your viz image

  • Click on the Share icon
  • Select email, Twitter or Facebook link or copy link to share on other social media
  • Follow instructions within social media platforms

To download your viz image

  • Click on the Download icon
  • Select format for file

2022 SDG Gender Index

Read the full report.

Download and read the full report to get a detailed picture of the ground gained and lost from 2015 to 2020.

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