Use case

1 min How advocates and partners the Index and other gender data in their work.

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La Ruta

La Ruta has used the Index and other gender data to directly engage with over 400 policymakers in Colombia, particularly in nine regions of Colombia, and mobilized significant sub-national buy-in and commitment to monitoring gender equality as a cornerstone of the ongoing peace process


GROOTS Kenya is recognized nationally and globally as a respected gender data expert. GROOTSmart, their Gender Data Dashboard, is an online visualization tool for gender data in Kenya, used extensively by grassroots advocates and county level policymakers to inform key policies and budgets.

KAPAL Perempuan

KAPAL Perempuan (Indonesia) engaged with policymakers in three provinces to ensure the implementation of the 2019 Marriage Law at the local level, using data from EM2030 tools and its own research. This resulted in new village-level regulations to prevent child marriage in 139 villages in East Lombok.