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D&I Weekly News Round Up: Racial bias, gender equality and more – Ericsson

Welcome to the latest edition of our Diversity & Inclusion News Round Up. Today we are talking about gender and racial bias in STEM jobs, how Sweden improved maternal health, Nike’s latest campaign and the findings of the UN SDG Gender Index.


Since 2012, Sweden is allowing fathers to take some of their paternity leave while mothers are still at home. According to a new study, released by two researchers from Stanford University, this has a significant impact on mothers health and reduces the need for postpartum hospitalization and the prescription of anti-anxiety medication and antibiotics.


A new study looked at gender and racial bias in hiring for STEM roles. Science faculty members from various US universities were asked to evaluate fictitious CVs – and although they were all identical, the names differed and profiles that apparently came from women of colour, were ranked the lowest.

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