Coalition Governance

Our Story
Equal Measures 2030 (EM2030) is a coalition of national, regional, and global leaders from feminist networks, civil society, international development, and the private sector. We have been working together since 2016 to connect data and evidence with advocacy and action for gender equality. With gender equality mainstreamed across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) framework, our partners united their strengths to ensure Governments lived up to their commitments to change the lives of billions of women and girls.
Our Hosting Transition
In 2022, the EM2030 partnership undertook an important transition, in recognition of our growth and maturity of our partnership. We took a bold new step when we moved from being a project hosted by Plan International to a more independent initiative. We are now proud to be a fiscally sponsored project of Panorama Global.
Read more about our hosting transition.
Our Coalition’s Evolution
Our hosting transition created the opportunity to also refresh our coalition’s governance and ways of working, to better reach the goals we outlined together in our Strategic Plan. Guided by our Feminist and Anti-Oppression values, we are in the process of designing a truly “Global to Local” coalition model.
In January 2023, we held our first cross-Partnership in-person meeting in South Africa. We were honoured to gather with more than 50 representatives – from more than 15 countries and working in 4 languages simultaneously – from our partner organisations and the EM2030 Secretariat Team.
By the end of 2023, we will be ready to unveil the new governance and coalition model that we have been designing together.