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2021 Data Fellowship

The Salesforce/EM2030 Fellowship for Data Journalists supported 16 journalists (8 in India and 8 in Kenya) from May 2021 to February 2022.

Fellows completed three Tableau training modules and worked closely with Tableau mentors through the course of the fellowship. In February 2022, the Data Fellows presented published articles and visualisations on a wide range of gender issues in their respective countries, including health, tourism, climate change, gender-based violence, and women’s representation in politics, and other topics.  

I use Tableau often as a sketchpad and not merely as a visualisation tool – to THINK about how to use the data, and to experiment with how best to articulate my findings. And I also used the opportunity to produce a lot more work on gender using data (including some using other tools beyond Tableau). Overall, I am walking away more skilled.

Quote from a 2021 fellow

Kaleidoscopic. This is what I feel when I see Tableau.

Quote from a 2021 fellow

… as I am immersing myself into feminist praxis, I am able to see how important data is, in terms of who collects, who collates it and who controls it. I am hoping to build on my practice with these learnings and move forward to critique and create in a feminist way!

Quote from a 2021 fellow


About Tableau Foundation

The Tableau Foundation is a philanthropic initiative led by Tableau Software employees that encourages the use of facts and analytical reasoning to solve the world’s problems. Tableau Foundation grants combine Tableau’s two most valuable resources – its people and its products – with financial support to non-profits that are using data to reshape communities around the globe. To learn more, visit

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