Asociación Generando Equidad, Liderazgo y Oportunidades (ASOGEN)
ASOGEN joined EM2030 in 2020. With the support of EM2030, ASOGEN has trained over 100 local gender advocates to access and use data to strengthen their work on the elimination of violence and the achievement of gender equality in line with the SDGs.
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ASOGEN combines localized work with survivors of violence and the justice sector in the department of Chimaltenango with national and global level advocacy. The organization has used data to influence national laws on femicide and fight to increase budgets for the country’s network of shelters protecting women and girls against gender-based violence. At the local level, ASOGEN leads the security roundtable in Chimaltenango, a group that brings together stakeholders in the justice sector to prevent and respond to cases of gender-based violence.
ASOGEN has built a reputation as a reliable source of data and has received multiple requests for data and DDA training from these institutions.