Our Impact Report 2024

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Pushing Forward against the headwinds

As every step forward for gender equality is being met with stronger headwinds, we at Equal Measures 2030 (EM2030) have been pulling together and pushing on with greater determination. And there is cause for hope: more than half of countries worldwide are moving in the right direction on gender equality.

By working together, we’ve designed a coalition model, a truly ‘global
to local’ collaboration in line with our feminist values, that will help us connect as data-driven advocates, spread the findings of our Index in our respective contexts, and unite our collective voice for gender equality in local, national, regional and global spaces. This model is already helping us to prepare for a high-impact and narrative-shifting launch of the next SDG Gender Index later in 2024.

Fast track or backtrack

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Progress on gender equality around the world is too slow and patchy, placing the entire 2030 Agenda at risk.

Our fight for the rights of women and girls is a fight for everyone’s future. Every aspect of sustainable development is interwoven with the advancement of gender equality. Nearly three-quarters (73 per cent) of the 169 targets in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been found to be directly or significantly reliant on gender equality. Yet, across the world we see a widespread failure by governments to act on gender equality as a strategic necessity for a truly equitable and sustainable future for all.

She Leads – Guide de facilitation de formation

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She Leads est un programme conjoint de Plan International Pays-Bas, Défense des enfants – ECPAT Pays-Bas (DCI-ECPAT), African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET), Terre des Hommes Pays-Bas (TdH-NL) et le ministère des Affaires étrangères des Pays-Bas (MFA). She Leads rassemble des organisations de défense des droits de l’enfant, des organisations féministes/de défense des droits de la femme et des groupes dirigés par des filles et des jeunes femmes et vise à accroître l’influence durable des filles et des jeunes femmes sur la prise de décision et la transformation des normes de genre dans les institutions formelles et informelles. Equal Measures 2030 est un partenaire technique.